Wednesday, August 31, 2016


In conclusion, it can be said that the Kutai house in Perak are threatened with extinction. Rumah Kutai remnants of which still exist until now not all of them aged 100 and older between 100 to 150 years old and some have reached more than 200 years. Extreme old age is in fact difficult to last longer, at least between 50 or 100 years. If not destroyed by ketuaannya, there may be other reasons, it will be destroyed as might be caused by the current development of the squeeze surroundings. Therefore the immediate and effective steps must be taken in order to save the Kutai house architecture that still remains today. If not, the next generation will lose a traditional Malay house architectural heritage to enrich instead. Therefore, something must be done immediately in order to maintain the architectural legacy of this unique Kutai in the State of extinct forever.

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