Wednesday, August 24, 2016





The roof structure of the original Rumah Kutai put six rod show sky that lies in pairs, each leg is located on the short and transverse beams underneath the wood dragon. Ranking wooden dragon in the middle and is also in line with the long grass of the house. Most long wooden beams on the lap joint Rumah Kutai use you. At the height of the bones show sky is the roof which also lies parallel to the longitudinal beams and a display. Rumah Kutai generally old roof old has two bones; at the top of the roof called the bone of male and female under the bone. Both bone bloating is instrumental in strengthening both sides of the roof is closed.
Rumah Kutai


Rumah Kutai has a rectangular plan and is characterized by the concept of home design Kutai Column 16. Originally there were three main areas, namely the front porch, the house mother and the kitchen. Nowadays, the part that remains is the home of the mother only. If viewed from the house, the size of the mast height from the ground to the body of the house is the same as the size of the roof to the body of the house. This condition is intended to reveal the balance between the three parts. Relatively low roof built to facilitate the flow of air and the cold in the house. Meanwhile, each facade has its own characteristics. West facade is in front of the house, it has a window on the left jenguk ventilation carved with lattice and round to the right. Staircase and portico at the front had collapsed and containers that are left are the pedestal liner pole.
Struktur Rumah Kutai


Rumah Kutai Di Kuala Kangsar
Other factors that affect the architectural concept of traditional Malay house is heredity, beliefs, customs and values ​​of individuals or communities. This effect is very large role in shaping the architecture of traditional Malay house. An example is the architecture in Negeri Sembilan Malay house is strongly influenced by the architecture of Minangkabau. This happens because people Negeri Sembilan Malay descent from there. Similarly architecture in Johor Malay House that to some extent it is influenced by elements of the architecture of Bugis, Banjar, Java and so on. In the State as well as with other states in Peninsular Malaysia, the Malays originated from several allied descendants like Java, Bugis, Acehnese, Banjar, dial, Minangkabau, Kerinchi, farmers and so on. All of this hill descent commonly known as the Malays and Muslims. However, in terms of customs, there are also significant differences; then the difference is this tradition that is sometimes exaggerated beliefs about religion and mysticism or dynamism. Thus was born the form of architecture that is not uniform and each with its own unique concept.


Rumah Kutai architecture typically has a roof angle of 45o to 50o, which is about the same as the angle of the roof Malay House Roof length in Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Pahang. Steep roof shape and height would surely be influenced by climate and topography. The effect of climate have given the idea to artisans traditional Malay house to form a fairly steep roof and high roof, which can accelerate the flushing water on the roof that uses ingredients from leaf without infiltration and leakage. Apart from accelerating rainfall, steep and high roof it also provides ventilation for the room in the house. This makes the residents live in comfort even during hot weather. In addition, climatic factors also affect the shape of the density of the screen.


Most homes are still there Kutai in the State has been given a new look to a very low income Kutai house in its original form. Here and there, a structural component Rumah Kutai has been exaggerated and made modifications without retaining the main features of Kutai. Accordingly, the work of preservation and conservation is felt absolutely necessary in order to preserve the architectural heritage as well as extending the life of Kutai house concerned. Any structure that has decayed shall be replaced with the new material appropriate to the circumstances and needs. Among the modifications is often done on the Kutai house is like a thatched roof replacement or Nipah to zinc; Jeria blade floors to floor boards as well as woven wall Tepas replaced with sheets of wall board. Even additional space as there is also a porch area that has been done. Although there is a replacement and addition, as described earlier, but the original structure of the architecture is still able to maintain its own identity as structural columns, beams, beams, joists roof, doors and windows, and stairs that are still in original condition.
Rumah Kutai Di Kampung Teluk Sareh


Rumah Kutai is one of the oldest architecture in the state of Perak, where it has existed for more than 100 years ago. If you look at the unique architecture, it turns out it can not be separated from the influence of external architecture, especially the architectural influence of Aceh House and Customs House Bugis from Sulawesi. However, some specific features in the architecture and materials structure still remains with its own identity, namely as architecture locals Perak. These special features can be seen mainly in the decoration and the use of leaf bee depends on advance stocking berkelarai side of the screen. In addition, the use Jeria floor, the roof structure with a unique technology system, the sliding doors and windows, the distinctive shape has never been found in other elements of traditional Malay house architecture both in Malaysia which is as shown below;

Tunjuk langit
Lebah bergantung
Papan cantik



Generally, the design of a Rumah Kutai influenced by several factors, which also determine the scope of building components and composition of spaces that are present in a home. Among the components of the common space on Kutai house is like a foyer, main house, a hose and a home kitchen. Porch
-Specialist for men and that's where male guests sit during feasts and for performing other activities. At night this space is used as a bed for young children.
Main Hall
-At the main hall there is a porch and sometimes a small room, but there was only room space and rooms reserved for young girl. In the old days the whole main hall has no restrictions and to make the boundary between the foyer with ample space in the middle that were reserved for women only restricted by a sill height of 5cm. The rating is not the same floor level between the porch and the living room.
-In addition to the hall or place of passage between the two buildings, it is a place to talk or carry out various activities for women. In the old days this area is not roofed and walled, so that space can be used as a drying fabric, as well as a rainwater. Girls in ancient times used as a wash. This space is usually referred to as the shelf hose or hose clothesline after its roof and walls, known as interval or breezeway.
House Kitchen
-Houses kitchen was smaller than the mother's home, usually a single home, which does not use the foyer. It is used as a place to cook and with it any kitchen appliance stored there. A ladder and platform are on the edge of the kitchen door decked and it is often used by women to the river or to the well for the purpose of taking water, bathing and so on.


        Rumah Kutai generally of two types, namely Rumah Kutai Kutai Rumah Tiang Tiang 12 and 16. Both have the same structure. Rumah Kutai pole for 12, his mother's home consists of six long poles and six poles foyer up. If viewed from the front of the house, its pillars are arranged in three rows, and each of them has four pillars, namely two long poles and two poles of the foyer same ride. Rumah Kutai with the mast 12 is also called 'Two Space'. Rumah Kutai Column 12 typically has a mother house in rectangular right, namely in the area of ​​30 'x 30' square. Rumah Kutai pole while 16 are still plentiful in the State, as in the villages of the foregoing. Rumah Kutai mast structure 16 is still using 16 main pillars, namely eight long pole and 8 pole porch same ride. Ranking pillars are four longitudinal rows and four rows wide, but not site area is rectangular otherwise four identical terms.


      Most of the existing Rumah Kutai has over a century or in the vicinity of 100 to 200 years. This is calculated is quite old. According to records obtained, after the conclusion of the First World War (1918), Rumah Kutai not built yet in Perak. By the early 20th century, Rumah Kutai architecture no longer attract the local people of Perak. This is due to the influence of Rumah Limas architecture first introduced in the State and it appears to Rumah Limas design to provide comfort and some specific features as its bigger size. If the terms of the construction of a system is, in fact, it is easier than Rumah Kutai. It is not surprising in a short time only influences the architecture of Rumah Limas Limas House Roof Silver, Modern Rumah Limas and Limas House Wrap has gladdened the hearts of the local population at the time. Rumah Limas construction development architecture that can not be contained in turn cause Rumah Kutai architecture no longer in demand even further marginalized by the local population in the State. Another reason why the architecture of Rumah Kutai can not be expanded to the entire state of Perak is its relationship with the monarchy at that point where architecture Rumah Kutai is only to residence of family members of the government and people of the ties and a close relationship with palace only.


         Rumah Kutai is an architectural heritage that can only be found in the state of Perak Darul Rizuan. 'Kutai' in local communities Perak mean old. Generally, Rumah Kutai or 'Kotai' is the nickname given by locals where the architecture of the house. Kutai or Kotai word meaning old or older, so the Kutai house is a house of old age. It is undeniable that the Kutai house is the only type of Traditional Malay House in Perak were still inhabited by locals since more than 200 years ago and until now it still stands proudly on the earth. Existence since 1800 and is the oldest Anjang Delete Pelita Rumah Penghulu in Pasir Salak has its own accordingly. Rumah Kutai generally not well known compared to other traditional Malay house in Peninsular Malaysia such as Limas house in Johor and Negeri Sembilan's house and the house of Kedah, Pahang and Malacca. This is because the settlement Rumah Kutai is limited in certain areas, namely around the banks of Sungai Perak, especially in Perak Tengah, Hilir Perak and Kuala Kangsar only. Apart from that, the main reason it is not so known is because the amount is so little compared to other houses. Perak Tengah and Hilir Perak, there are not more than 50 houses that still exist. While in Kuala Kangsar, especially in, Kota Lama Kanan, Kota Lama Kiri and Menora, not exceeding 15.