Wednesday, August 24, 2016


      Most of the existing Rumah Kutai has over a century or in the vicinity of 100 to 200 years. This is calculated is quite old. According to records obtained, after the conclusion of the First World War (1918), Rumah Kutai not built yet in Perak. By the early 20th century, Rumah Kutai architecture no longer attract the local people of Perak. This is due to the influence of Rumah Limas architecture first introduced in the State and it appears to Rumah Limas design to provide comfort and some specific features as its bigger size. If the terms of the construction of a system is, in fact, it is easier than Rumah Kutai. It is not surprising in a short time only influences the architecture of Rumah Limas Limas House Roof Silver, Modern Rumah Limas and Limas House Wrap has gladdened the hearts of the local population at the time. Rumah Limas construction development architecture that can not be contained in turn cause Rumah Kutai architecture no longer in demand even further marginalized by the local population in the State. Another reason why the architecture of Rumah Kutai can not be expanded to the entire state of Perak is its relationship with the monarchy at that point where architecture Rumah Kutai is only to residence of family members of the government and people of the ties and a close relationship with palace only.

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