Wednesday, August 24, 2016


         Rumah Kutai is an architectural heritage that can only be found in the state of Perak Darul Rizuan. 'Kutai' in local communities Perak mean old. Generally, Rumah Kutai or 'Kotai' is the nickname given by locals where the architecture of the house. Kutai or Kotai word meaning old or older, so the Kutai house is a house of old age. It is undeniable that the Kutai house is the only type of Traditional Malay House in Perak were still inhabited by locals since more than 200 years ago and until now it still stands proudly on the earth. Existence since 1800 and is the oldest Anjang Delete Pelita Rumah Penghulu in Pasir Salak has its own accordingly. Rumah Kutai generally not well known compared to other traditional Malay house in Peninsular Malaysia such as Limas house in Johor and Negeri Sembilan's house and the house of Kedah, Pahang and Malacca. This is because the settlement Rumah Kutai is limited in certain areas, namely around the banks of Sungai Perak, especially in Perak Tengah, Hilir Perak and Kuala Kangsar only. Apart from that, the main reason it is not so known is because the amount is so little compared to other houses. Perak Tengah and Hilir Perak, there are not more than 50 houses that still exist. While in Kuala Kangsar, especially in, Kota Lama Kanan, Kota Lama Kiri and Menora, not exceeding 15.

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